Showing 385–400 of 437 results

  • Shavuos 5774


    Rabbi Montrose tells over a “Chassidic vort” about Rus (Ruth) in honor of Shavuos.

  • Shavuos After Shabbos


    Various halachos and concerns when Shavuos falls on the day after Shabbos

  • Shavuos Dairy 5774


    Why do we eat Dairy on Shavuos if the Jews had man available in the desert?

  • Shearing On Shabbos


    The laws of cutting hair, nails, feathers and similar items on Shabbos (Parshas Vayeishev)

  • Shehechiyanu



    What are the rules for reciting Shehechiyanu? Why is there a custom to place a new fruit on the table on the 2nd night of Rosh Hashanah, and how does that help with the Shehechiyanu blessing? (Parshas Ki Savo)

  • Shoe Laces


    Most Jews have heard that we put on the right shoe first, then tie the left shoe first. But is this really a halachic obligation? (Parshas Lech Lecha)

  • Shofar During Selichos


    Why do the Sefardim blow shofar during Selichos? Why don't the Ashkenazim do the same? (Parashas Bechukosai)

  • Sin For Protection


    Can someone perform a sin in order to protect others from doing a greater sin? (Parshas Balak)

  • Singing “Baruch Sheim Kavod”


    Can a Jewish singer sing a song with the words "Baruch Shame Kavod"? (Parshas Vayechi)

  • Sleeping


    A look at mitzvohs and responsibility while a person is asleep (Parshas Vayeira)

  • Sleeping Positions


    What are the permitted and forbidden positions for sleeping (Parshas Vayera)

  • Sun, Moon & Stars


    Are we permitted to make images (3D and 2D) of the Sun, Moon, Stars – and even people? If the images are already made, can we own them or get benefit from them? Includes an extensive question & answer period (Parashas Yisro)

  • Superstition


    Which types of superstition are permitted, and which are forbidden (Parshas Chayei Sarah)

  • Taanis Esther


    The origins of Taanis Esther, and the halachic ramifications of them.

  • Taking 3 Steps Back


    The halachos of taking 3 steps back after finishing the silent prayer (shemonei esrei) (Parshas Yisro)

  • Teshuvah For Others


    Can someone ask G-d to cause someone else to do teshuva. Can we ask that life's challenges be taken away (Parshas Nitzavim/Veyeilech)